Chittlehamholt - GALLERY of Village & Local Area Images

Images In and Around Chittlehamholt
Warkleigh and Satterleigh - 
the Three Parishes
you are more than welcome to use any of these photos but
 PLEASE give credit if the photographer is named
 and please mention

St John's Church, Chittlehamholt

Sunset over North Devon
(photo Sue Williams)

A walk to Warkleigh
(photo Sue Williams)

Warkleigh Church
(photo Sue Williams)

Eclipse 2015 over Chittlehamholt
(photo Sue Williams)

Chittlehamholt fields

©Kathy Hollick-Blee



Bringing in the Hay - Haymaking

Chittlehamholt Summer...©Kathy Hollick-Blee

...and winter ©Kathy Hollick-Blee

A walk through Chittlehamholt

Past the village hall...
(the shop is just behind you)

along the road...

past the phone box

a quick pint at the  OLD Exeter Inn...
or the NEW one!

on past the pub

to the heart of the village


Table Top Sale

Big Breakfast

** * 
around and about

©Kathy Hollick-Blee

©Kathy Hollick-Blee

photo: ©Kathy Hollick-Blee

Photo: ©Simon Murgatroyd

©Kathy Hollick-Blee

©Kathy Hollick-Blee

photo ©Tony Smith
photo ©Tony Smith

Photo ©Tony Smith

photo ©Tony Smith

Tarr Steps
(©Tony Smith)

(©Tony Smith)

Wonky Donk
(©Kathy Hollick Blee)